Carrot Cake Style Breakfast Pancakes
Oh breakfast how I love you,
I eat you every day,
My issue is I find you dull,
Got to jazz you up some way,
I’ve come up with a cunning plan,
To get me out of bed,
A little treat for when I wake,
Yes that’s right, a slice of cake!
Well, not literally, but these pancakes are inspired by all the lovely ingredients that you find in carrot cake, and make a super treat for breakfast, or in fact any time of day. They are pretty healthy too with minimal sugar, dried fruit, fresh vegetable and nuts all incorporated. My 6 year old LOVED them and I was chuffed to bits given that she refuses raw carrot any other time.
My ideal for these pancakes is to make them on a weekend morning, (weekdays are far too hectic) and to enjoy them ‘al fresco’ if the sun is shining. I reckon I can fool myself into thinking I am on holiday, if only for 5 mins before someone shouts ‘MUM’.
And what an amazing change from cereal or toast these make. Something a little bit different to kick start your day. If you are making for more than one or two people I would suggest cooking a batch of pancakes and then filling up little ramekins with the toppings to allow everyone to create their own ‘cake’ on top. I even put the sweet cream cheese sauce in a squeezy bottle to make it easier to drizzle on.
You can even keep any spare batter in the fridge along with remaining toppings and treat yourself all over again the next morning in 5 mins flat. Amazing!
I should thank my sister-in-law Alison who told me about a blog she follows called ‘Oh She Glows’ where there is a recipe for carrot cake oatmeal. It got me thinking and I came up with these pancakes as my preferred variation.
Carrot Cake Style Breakfast Pancakes |
- Pancake Batter
- 1/2 tsp white wine vinegar
- 150ml milk
- 110g plain flour
- 1/2 tsp bicarb of soda
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 tbsp agave syrup
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 50g raisins
- Toppings
- 100g grated carrot
- 50g chopped walnuts
- 100g light cream cheese
- 25g fairtrade light muscovado sugar
- 20g raisins
- Drizzle of agave syrup
- To make the batter:
- Add the vinegar to the milk and set aside
- In a bowl combine the flour, cinnamon and bicarb of soda
- In another bowl add the egg, raisins, oil and agave syrup and mix
- Combine all the ingredients in one bowl and whisk until smooth
- Lightly grease a frying pan then let it heat up on the hob
- Add approx 2 tbsp of batter into the pan and when the bubbles start appearing on the pancake turn over and cook the other side. These pancakes are thicker than normal French pancakes. You will notice that the batter is thicker also
- To make the sweet cream cheese sauce mix the cream cheese and sugar in a bowl with a metal spoon until smooth
- Once pancakes are cooked top with grated carrot, chopped walnuts, a few raisins and drizzle the sweet cream cheese sauce and a small amount of agave syrup (optional) over the pancakes. Eat straight away
I would like to send this over to Helen at Fuss Free Flavours who is running her Breakfast Club this month with the theme of fairtrade.
Tagged Breakfast Club, carrot cake pancakes, carrots, cinnamon, cream cheese, fairtrade, Fuss Free Flavours, raisins, walnuts
Helen @ Fuss Free FlavoursMay 30, 2012 at 8:50 pm
I love them! Always keen on veggies for breakfast!
thanks for taking part in breakfast club.
FleurMay 30, 2012 at 9:34 pmAuthor
I know! How cool is it to get 2 of your 5 a day at breakfast? Glad you approve
Alison BembenekMay 30, 2012 at 9:38 pm
I made it onto your blog!!!!
Love the idea. Will definitely have to try out.
FleurMay 30, 2012 at 9:42 pmAuthor
You did indeed and I’m thrilled that you noticed before I told you. Sign of a very special sister-in-law indeed. xxx
cakebouleJune 1, 2012 at 7:39 pm
Hope the new blog is going well it does look very good! I am not jealous at all
love the pancakes what an unusual idea and twist. Keep them coming!
FleurJune 1, 2012 at 10:42 pmAuthor
Thank you. Have to say, I am loving my new blog. It’s well worth the time and effort if you are thinking about going self hosted yourself. A lot more freedom and flexibility.